Method AThere’s no beans on toast without beans, so let’s start there.
1. Heat a heavy bottom medium size pan on medium heat.
2. Add butter and chopped onions to the pan. Sauté for a few minutes, until translucent (not you, the onions).
3. Once the aroma hits, add the chopped green chillies and all spices for a couple of minutes (make sure they don’t burn).
4. Add the beans and simmer for a few mins. Add coriander leaves, mix well and turn off the heat. Bam! Beans like you’ve never seen them before!
Bready for the next stage of the recipe? Toast your choice of bread slices, butter them lightly, spoon over the beans and serve. Be honest, have you ever seen beans on toast look this gourmet?If you’re craving even more variety, consider adding cheese, tossing it with a few drops of
chilli chutney for more heat, or adding a dollop of
apple chutney. Don’t bean afraid (sorry) to experiment with different flavours to elevate simple dishes.
Method B1. Heat a heavy bottom medium size pan on medium heat.
2. Add butter and chopped onions to the pan. Sauté for a few minutes, until translucent (for your sake, we won’t repeat the cheesy joke from Method A).
3. Add the chopped green chillies and mushrooms, then cook until mushroom water is absorbed. Add peppers and all spices, then cook for 2-3 minutes (make sure they don’t burn) when you start getting the aroma.
4. Add the beans and simmer for a few mins until it warms up (who wants cold beans?). Add coriander leaves, mix well and turn off the heat. Behold, your magic beans are done (just don’t expect them to sprout into a beanstalk).
Toast your choice of bread slices, butter them lightly, spoon over the beans and serve.